MJ Live

Thursday, September 22, 2005


This is my first time writing in a blog - so you can all thank Jonas for this wonderful new endeavor. I am going to use this kinda like a personal diary of sorts on how things are going in the Peace Corps. I don't know how often I will be able to update this but this will act as a central hub for any information I want to share. Hopefully it works out well!

Currently, I am both excited and nervous about leaving for Samoa. Excited because its an opportunity to see the world and also a chance to just love on people from a culture so different from my own. I am also excited about the fact that I will be going to a predominately Christian culture which means my faith should not flounder while I am overseas. I am nervous because I am leaving the US for 2 years - alot of things can happen in two years. I am definately going to miss my family and friends, but they're all very supportive which makes this transition SOOOO much easier (you all have no idea). So I want to thank everyone for being behind me 100% in this endeavor and for understanding that a part of me just has to give to others.

I've done alot of travelling this past September and during this time I have been more reassured that I am making the right decision in regards to volunteering for 2 years. In the bible there's a parable that starts at Matthew 25:35 that exemplifies why I am doing this - from more then just a physical standpoint. I want to make an actual impact on people's life and who knows, they may make an impact on me along the way (in fact I'm sure of it). I am striving for a goal that's higher then this world and sometimes you have to step outside of your comfort zone in order to reach those goals. That's my Peace Corps Adventure in a nutshell - I hope to learn alot and share alot with all who read this. :) L8r.

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