MJ Live

Monday, November 05, 2007

Tis the season....

....to post a little bit of media. For your viewing pleasure, I have added new photos to Samoan Scenes, Group 79 (photos of Michael talking to my computer studies class) and Chanel College (photos of me teaching my Year 13 Computer class...that's right folks, I actually have photos of me teaching so you know I haven't wasted these two years). Also, the YouTube Channel has been updated with 2 video clips of Mike talking to my computer studies class.

Hope you enjoy the influx of new media! L8r.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi dave...

i was part of Group 66. left a bit early because, well i was 5 months pregnant. i have wanted to send a picture to teuila for her to post as i promised 4 years ago. can you please send me an email address, i don't care.. HP, Matt, Silao, Fale, Lagi, Teuila, Leata...anyone or give teuila my address so i can email her back a picture...i hate snail mail and have been dieing to show off group 66 mascot.
