It's been a few days since I've been back in Samoa and we've had all of one day dedicated to sunshine. Saturday it was very nice and sun shiny and what did I do on that day? Stayed inside and enjoyed the last moments of my vacation. I eventually left the house later in the day and got a briefing from Kevin about all that has happened while I was away – we lost a teacher, are gaining two semi-teachers (they will be part time teaching computers) and we got some new chairs for the computer rooms (a few of our chairs are missing backs. So Saturday was a very relaxing day which leads me to Sunday…Sunday….Sunday!
Sunday it rained…a lot. Basically it has been raining from the moment I went to church to late in the afternoon. I guess mother nature was just waiting for me to get back before she felt compelled to dump bucket loads of water on top of Samoa. So I did get wet on the bike ride down to church but I got a ride back up from a friend. At this point I did not know the result of the most important NFC game of the year – the NFC Championship. It was only when I went up to the father's house and turned on ESPN that I learned that my Bears are going to be getting a tan in two weeks: We're going to the Super Bowl! And from the recap I read online, they won the game in typical Bears fashion – with defense. Now with the Bears already in the Super Bowl, I was basically guaranteed to be rooting for at least one of the teams – so it came down to Peyton and the Colts to see if I would have a conflict of interest (for those of you who don't know, I went to the University of Tennessee which is the same school Peyton went to and since he's the only UT QB in the league right now he gets special consideration from me). When I turned on the game, the score was 21-6, the Patriots were just killing the Colts and it was looking like Peyton would not be able to get the Brady monkey off his back. And then something magical happened (the same thing that happened to the Colts while I was watching them in NZ) in that the Colts decided it was time to actually start scoring some points. They scored all 32 of the second half points the moment I started watching. It was quite an amazing game to watch and it's funny how after being lamblasted all season long, the Indy defense has finally come around and in the end it was the Indy defense that stopped Brady, not a Vinateri FG. I could literally see the monkey fall of Peyton's shoulders on that last interception and now he's headed for the biggest game of his life.
And now I have a very interesting conflict of interest. I love both teams – this will be the best Super Bowl for me because either team could win and I would enjoy it. For the Bears, a win basically means Lovie made the right decision by sticking with Rex and not messing with the team chemistry to much. A win also gives Chicago a World Series AND a Super Bowl championship within a one year period – how awesome would that be! A win also means I get a T-shirt and cap saying 'Chicago Bears – Super Bowl XLI Champions!' Now for the Colts, a win secures Peyton's place in the Hall of Fame (like it's not already secure, but it makes him into a Favre instead of a Marino). A win finally gives Tony Dungy that much sought after ring and for such a stand up coach, he really deserves it. No Jon Gruden to steal the trophy away from him a year from now. The best part about a win for either team is that no matter what for the first time an African American head coach will win the Super Bowl – that's amazing that before this moment there has never been an African American head coach in the Super Bowl and now we have two. What's next? The White House?! It'll be a good game regardless of who wins but I have to put my support behind the home town Bears…Chicago's gotta pull out the Super Bowl shuffle at least once a century! This was a great way to end my school vacation – tomorrow we start and the chaos begins. L8r.
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