MJ Live

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

A belated 4th of July Gift!

Well the 4th just wasn't quite the same without you know - actually being in America to celebrate it. So to everyone who ate a little extra in memory of me, thanks alot! I feel the calories being drawn into me. Anyway, some new photos have been posted for your view pleasure. A new section 'Siva Afi' has also been added. Candice, Holly, Robyn (Group 74) and I are taking Siva Afi practice and hopefully we will be good enough to do it at a FiaFia at some point during our service, we shall see. So see us make fools of ourselves - btw, we will not actually light these things for a while, so don't hold your breath for me being on fire just yet. L8r.

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